

This organization shall be known as The Flute Society of Washington, Inc.


The object of this Society shall be to unite professional flutists, flute students, and other persons interested in the flute into concerted association for the purpose of furthering an interest in and knowledge of the flute and flute-playing on the part of flutists and the general public; to establish an educational center devoted to the flute and related subjects for the general public; to sponsor concerts performed by members and guest artists for the members and the general public; to collect and maintain a library of musical compositions, books, and other matter relating to the flute; to cause to be published and distributed reports, treatises, or other printed material on subjects related to the flute; and to award, at such time as may be practicable, one or more scholarships to deserving student flutists for the furthering of their musical education.

ARTICLE III - Members and Rights of Members

The Society shall be composed of four classes of members, whose designations are as follows:

  • Full: Any person interested in the flute and related endeavors. Full members may speak on any question properly brought before a business meeting of the Society and may vote on each question.


  • Student: Any full-time collegiate student or student of the high school level or younger. Student members may observe all regular business meetings, but may not speak or vote at such meetings. They may not participate in elections.


  • Sustaining: Any flute or music related business. Sustaining members are entitled to advertising in the Society's publication(s) and permitted to exhibit their products at any Society meeting or special session as approved by the Board of Directors. Extra fees may be required of Sustaining members for any or all of the above meetings or sessions. Sustaining members may not participate in the Society's business meetings or in elections.


  • Life: Any full member that has paid the lifetime membership fee as designated by the Officers and Board of Directors. Life members have all the rights and privileges of a Full member.

Members of all four classes shall be admitted to membership after undertaking upon their honor to uphold all provisions of the charter and By-Laws of the Society and upon all payment of the dues in force.

ARTICLE IV - Officers and Board of Directors

Members of the Board of Directors shall be elected by the membership via ballot or mail, to serve for a term of three years. The Board of Directors shall consist of ten members; up to nine to be elected by the membership and the last to be the outgoing President of the Society. If the outgoing President is unable to serve, then all members of the Board of Directors will be elected by the membership. The Board of Directors shall choose its own officers subsequent to its election.

The officers and their duties are as follows:

  • President: To preside over all regular meetings of the membership of the Society.


  • Vice-President: To preside in the absence of the President.


  • Secretary: To keep written minutes of all regular meetings.


  • Treasurer: To collect and disburse such sums of money as shall be authorized by the Board of Directors and keep monetary records as the Directors shall instruct; and to prepare and deliver an annual financial report to the Society or as often as the Directors shall request. The Treasurer shall be an official agent of the Society. Other agents may be appointed as needed as designated by the Board of Directors.


  • Membership Director: To maintain accurate records of the status of all Society members, provide membership reports to the Board of Directors as required, provide mailing labels to Sustaining members as requested, and create and oversee the distribution of a yearly Membership Directory to all Society members.


In addition to elected members, the President may appoint a parliamentarian to assist him/her at any time he/she or a majority of the members present deems it desirable. On the authority of the Directors, the President may also appoint such committees and their chairs as may be necessary in the affairs of the Society.

The President shall at the time of each election appoint a nominating committee consisting of two or more Society members to collect a list of outstanding, willing and deserving candidates for the Board of Directors.

All officers shall continue to serve in their respective official capacities beyond their elected terms until their successors are properly elected as heretofore specified. In the event of the death, incapacity, resignation, or removal of any officer or member of the Board of Directors, the Board of Directors or remaining Director may appoint another Full or Life member to serve in the vacated office for the remainder of its elected term or until another officer or Director is properly elected at a regular meeting.

ARTICLE V - Dues and Fees

Each member of the Society shall pay annual dues to be determined by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall set the annual membership fee for each category of members.

ARTICLE VI - Meetings

Society meetings shall be held as often as desired by the Board of Directors, provided sufficient notice of not less than seven days be given, but meetings shall not be fewer than two per year. Elected officers and the Board of Directors shall meet not less than once a year.

ARTICLE VII - Amending By-Laws

The By-Laws of The Flute Society of Washington, Inc. shall be amended only at the recommendation of the Board of Directors and upon a ballot or mail vote of a majority of the membership voting.

ARTICLE VIII - Dissolution

The Flute Society of Washington, Inc. may be dissolved upon the vote of three-quarters of the members voting at an election called for the purpose of considering the proposition for dissolution. The membership shall be given at least two weeks' notice of any election concerning the dissolution of the Society.

Upon dissolution of The Flute Society of Washington, Inc., the Officers shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of the liabilities of the organization, dispose of all the remaining assets of the Society by contributing same to organizations operate exclusively for cultural, charitable, or educational purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or its successor provisions. The choice of the organization or organizations to which the Society's assets shall be contributed shall be determined by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.

 November 1991