Junior Flute Choir
Mid-Atlantic Flute Convention
February 15-16, 2025
The FSW Mid-Atlantic Junior Flute Choir offers advanced young flutists in grades 6 through 8, who have been studying privately for one full year or more, an opportunity to perform at the Mid-Atlantic Flute Convention.
This Junior Flute Choir is unique in that its young members will work with and be directed by the composer of the composition performed, as well as perform alongside an adult piccolo and low flute section drawn from established flute choirs. In addition, this choir serves as an introduction to the FSW Mid-Atlantic High School Flute Choir.
- Each student should discuss participation with their private teacher before filling out the online application.
- FSW Membership is required of both the student applicant and their private teacher.
- Each private flute teacher can recommend up to three (3) students.
- Registration closed December 15, 2024.
- The choir is limited to 25 members.
Participation Requirements
Participation Requirements
Participation is based on the following criteria:
1. Studied privately for one full year before registering for the Junior Choir.
2. Online private flute teacher recommendation which includes the check list listed below. Students should have accomplished the check list before registering for the choir.
a. clear tone
b. clean articulations
c. good intonation and able to tune oneself
d. range: low C to G3
e. able to play chromatic scale and major scales up to 4 flats and 4 sharps
f. rhythmic accuracy of dotted eighths/sixteenths and also even sixteenths
3. An uploaded audio file (mp3 or mp4a audio files only - no videos) which must include the following:
a. a two octave G Major scale and a two octave D chromatic scale; articulation and tempo at private teacher's discretion
b. a ONE (1) minute solo or etude of choice (no less)
4. Students MUST attend all scheduled rehearsals. There will be a full morning rehearsal and a warm-up rehearsal before the concert which is required of all participants.
Other requirements:
- Attendance at both rehearsals and the concert is required.
- Each young flutist and their private flute teacher must be an FSW member in order to participate. (student membership fee is $20.)
- The deadline to register for the Junior Choir is December 15, 2024.
- There is no additional fee to join the Junior Flute Choir, except a current FSW membership and convention registration.
- Junior Choir applicants should not sign up for the Festival Flute Choir on the convention registration form.
- The deadline to register for the FSW Mid-Atlantic Convention is January 20, 2025.
- The choir is limited to 25 members.
What's New for 2025?
2025 Junior Flute Choir
This year, the 2025 Junior Flute Choir welcomes FSW member and composer Jonathan Cohen as our guest composer. The choir will performe Jon's "Notes from the Flock".
Jonathan Cohen's business card says "Bald Technical Guy." Jon was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan in 1954. After passing through Palo Alto, California and undergraduate school in Akron Ohio, he settled in Maryland, where he received his Ph.D. in electrical engineering. Jon has worked as a researcher in information retrieval and visualization, optical and signal processing, and related fields, for 40 years. His resulting trophies include more than a dozen patents and a bald head.
Confined to his house for several snow days in 2003, Jon began to compose, and has resisted all calls to desist. Four times his odd children have been winners of the NFA's Newly Composed Music Competition.
Jon plays flute in the Montgomery Village Community Band (Maryland) and Tiny, his contrabass flute, in Flutes on the Brink and Flute Cocktail, from which he draws far too much ncouragement.
Jon continues his dubious contributions to science as he composes and plays. His compositions are published by: Falls House Press/Theodore Presser, ALRY Publications, ScoreVivo.com Tetractys Publishing and Nourse Wind Publications.
Parents' Information
Parents' Notes
- The non-flutist convention registration is not required IF the Junior Choir concert is the only event family and friends are attending.
- If you will be attending other events in addition to the Junior Choir concert, including the exhibit hall, there is a non-flutist convention registration fee per person. Non-flutist registration is located on the convention registration form, in addition to meal options. The non-flutist registration pass can also be purchased during the convention at registration.
- An unlimited number of guests are welcome to attend the Junior Choir concert held during the convention weekend with no fee.
Junior Choir Application Information
A student membership in the Flute Society is required to enter the Junior Flute Choir.
Login to the FSW website then return to this page to access the application.
Not a Flute Society member? Click here to join the Flute Society, then return to this page.
Need to renew your membership? Click here to renew your membership, then return to this page.
Note about audition audio file: You may only upload a single file. To combine your files use a free online site such as https://audio-joiner.com/. Once combined, return to this page to upload your file.

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